01 May 2022
Tottenham Hotspur - Leicester City
Pierre-Emile Højbjerg


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Wohin das Geld geht

AIA Better Lives Fund  logoAIA Better Lives Fund The AIA Better Lives Fund was established to support AIA Singapore’s long-standing charity partners, Children’s Wishing Well and the VIVA Foundation. Children’s Wishing Well provides a broad range of services for children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds across Singapore, providing free nutritious meals and supporting educational aspirations through professional qualifications. VIVA Foundation funds research projects to create advanced treatments to save the lives of children with cancer, curating programmes that offer holistic care for survivors after treatment and enabling better medical facilities. Funds raised by these shirts will not only support Children’s Wishing Well and the VIVA Foundation, but it will also support those living on the Club’s doorstep through the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation, which delivers a range of innovative programmes for people across the local community to provide life-changing opportunities through sport.

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