Framed Squad Signed Shirt
LOSC Lille

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Apakah bingkai Anda dikirim dari studio kami di Amsterdam atau London bergantung pada produk yang dimaksud.
Di mana pun Anda tinggal, kami dapat menghubungi Anda - dengan pengiriman ke seluruh dunia yang didukung oleh DHL Express.
Biaya pengiriman akan ditambahkan ke pesanan Anda pada tahap checkout.
Harap dicatat: bea masuk dan/atau pajak impor (PPN) mungkin berlaku tergantung pada negara tempat Anda tinggal.
Spesifikasi Pengiriman Bingkai yang Dikemas:
Ukuran: 80cm (L) x 100cm (T) x 9cm (L)
Berat: 8,8kg
Kemana uang itu digunakan

A part of the proceeds raised will be used to continue the development and growth of the club. The other part will go to the Feyenoord Foundation.
The Feyenoord Foundation has been established to respond to issues in society and provide support where it is most needed. Social organizations and the business community commit themselves to social activities and projects, initiated by the foundation and the club. The club uses its role models and voice to realise its social ambition, which is to help people adopt a healthy, responsible lifestyle with plenty of exercise. Sport provides energy, pleasure and stimulates talent development. By promoting participation in sports and a healthier lifestyle, Feyenoord contributes to a better future for its supporters and the people of Rotterdam. Special attention is paid to the youth and vulnerable groups in society. Want to learn more? Visit
Informasi lebih lanjut? Klik di sini
Apakah bingkai Anda dikirim dari studio kami di Amsterdam atau London bergantung pada produk yang dimaksud.
Di mana pun Anda tinggal, kami dapat menghubungi Anda - dengan pengiriman ke seluruh dunia yang didukung oleh DHL Express.
Biaya pengiriman akan ditambahkan ke pesanan Anda pada tahap checkout.
Harap dicatat: bea masuk dan/atau pajak impor (PPN) mungkin berlaku tergantung pada negara tempat Anda tinggal.
Spesifikasi Pengiriman Bingkai yang Dikemas:
Ukuran: 80cm (L) x 100cm (T) x 9cm (L)
Berat: 8,8kg
Kemana uang itu digunakan

A part of the proceeds raised will be used to continue the development and growth of the club. The other part will go to the Feyenoord Foundation.
The Feyenoord Foundation has been established to respond to issues in society and provide support where it is most needed. Social organizations and the business community commit themselves to social activities and projects, initiated by the foundation and the club. The club uses its role models and voice to realise its social ambition, which is to help people adopt a healthy, responsible lifestyle with plenty of exercise. Sport provides energy, pleasure and stimulates talent development. By promoting participation in sports and a healthier lifestyle, Feyenoord contributes to a better future for its supporters and the people of Rotterdam. Special attention is paid to the youth and vulnerable groups in society. Want to learn more? Visit
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