Christian Atsu





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Estimated delivery: 4月11日(火) - 4月13日(木)
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Arms Around The Child logoArms Around The Child

In 2018 Christian and Arms Around the Child launched a campaign to build a new school to benefit orphaned children and the local community in Senya Beraku, Ghana. Work on the building was halted during the pandemic in 2020 but with more financial support from Christian, work was able to resume in 2021 and now the school is nearly finished. The structure, plastering, flooring and roofing are complete and the electrical fittings and plumbing are nearly finished. To finish the school, we need a final push to furnish and paint the interior and equip the school with essential provisions like books, computers and stationery.


framed shirts

ユニフォームを額装したいですか?全て手作業でサステナブルな素材から作ったプレミアムな額縁を提供するFrame The Gameは弊社のパートナーです。ユニフォーム落札後、弊社のデジタル額装コンフィグレータにアクセスいただけます。額縁の色の選択、お好みのテキストや写真の挿入、ユニフォームを守るためのガラス種類の選択などの多様なカスタマイゼーションで、あなたの理想の額縁をお作りいただけます。 ここをクリック で詳細を確認。