
Fenerbahçe에 대해

Founded in Kadıköy, Istanbul on the 3rd of May, 1907, Fenerbahçe S.K - also commonly known as Sarı Kanaryalar (The Yellow Canaries) - is a Turkish football club currently managed by José Mourinho. Nineteen-time champions of the Süper Lig, Fenerbahçe play their home matches at the Şükrü Saracoğlu Stadium, which at full capacity can hold 50,530 fans. The 24-25 Fenerbahçe kit is sponsored by Puma and features their latest iteration of the classic club logo, which captures the direct translation of...

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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