AC Milan

AC Milan에 대해

Founded in Milan on the 13th of December, 1899, AC Milan - also commonly known as I Rossoneri (The Red and Blacks) - is an Italian football club competing in the Serie A. AC Milan play their home games at the San Siro, which at full capacity can hold 75,817 fans. The kit currently worn by the players is sponsored by Puma and features a club logo unveiled in 2009. The black and red stripes in the logo were inspired by a statement made by the club’s founder, Herbert Kilpin: “Our colours will be re...

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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가입함으로써, 최소 만 18세 이상이고 이용 약관을 읽고 동의했음을 확인합니다.

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