Pink is the New Orange

One in seven women will be confronted with the fight against breast cancer at least once throughout their lives. Many more women will also come in contact with the disease through a relative, colleague, or friend. This illness is no stranger even to our athletes and idols, like in the case of the Blewanus twin sisters and Vanity Lewerissa, all women close to our beloved Netherlands women's national football team. The Orange Lionesses have started the ‘Orange for Pink’ campaign, and both the Norwegian and Dutch national teams decided to wear the pink ribbon during their respective anthems, before the friendly played on October 11th, 2022. The pink ribbon is a symbol that expresses their support in the research, early detection, and treatment of breast cancer.

Naturally, with the start of the month of October, the importance of the fight against breast cancer is highlighted, but this year the Lionesses were affected on a far more personal level. The national team physiotherapist Kim Belwanus has been working with the athletes for many years, but due to breast cancer, she had to take time off during this year’s international games period. What is even more chilling, is that her sister, a physiotherapist for the Ajax women’s football team, had also been diagnosed with breast cancer not long before. The disease did not stop there, as Dutch capped Vanity Lewerissa was also diagnosed with breast cancer this year, demonstrating how common and how "blind" this illness truly is.

Women’s football has been growing considerably, and it is a great platform on which to provide awareness and exposure to an issue of this magnitude. MatchWornShirt wants to express their support for the Pink Ribbon charity and the Orange for Pink campaign by putting under the hammer two worn and signed shirts from the October 11th game. The two shirts that can be found on the platform, are of fan-favourites Danielle van de Donk and Jackie Groenen. This gives the chance for people around the world to own a supremely unique piece of history of the Lionesses and, most importantly, to support an essential worldwide campaign.

Head to the auction to own the moment and to show your support.

Escrito por MatchWornShirt
Publicado em 13/10/22, 16:12